В Хьюстоне, штат Техас, на днях прошел восьмой ежегодный фестиваль беременных девушек в бикини. Конкурс лишний раз доказывает, что женщины прекрасны во все времена :)

 Just in time for your maternity resortwear planning, Gawker.TV showcased a swimsuit competition featuring extremely pregnant women this afternoon. (I think they were trying to say that extremely pregnant women look hilarious in bikinis.) As a longtime fan of the bikini while pregnant (the deliberately pot-bellied look saves a great deal of effort in the ab-sucking-in department) I have to say I find it kind of great in some ways. Putting aside the whole exploitation issue, etc. Although some of the women’s styling and moves suggest a certain ease with being scantily clad in public, their bodies are real—not airbrushed pregnant perfection. These are not Gisele Bundchen Pregnant Women. There are some big butts and flabby thighs. There are some jiggly, dimply bits. I saw rolls of back fat under some of those string ties. But these ladies strutting it up there, proud to be pregnant, each working her own style.I’m especially fond of Amanda’s Anime superhero look. Not just a bikini, but a bikini with giant white patent leather boots. SuperBelly? Понравился пост? Выбери любимую социальную сеть и поделись ссылкой:
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