Recall what we ate in the Soviet Union
Nowhere else, perhaps, in the world can one meet such a radical denial of one’s own history as in Russia. Western Europe experienced a change of cultural epochs, a class struggle, competition of political views. Its peoples, generations and countries were at enmity and reconciled with each other, committed mass crimes and repented loudly ... But still rare Western European authors decided to put an end to the past of their country or to declare all their ancestors ignorant and simple.
In Russia, public self-flagellation has long become a national amusement. She has famous instigators and canonical scenarios for the development of hype. It would seem that an adequate person is not surprised to be surprised and react to such noise. It is as ridiculous as if the teacher of ethics began to shout something about Kant's moral imperatives into the crowd of fighters fighting against the wall. But, as you know, once a year even a stick shoots.
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